
Fantasy Monster: Angry Tower

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Angry Tower

A massive tower of stone and bricks floats slowly a few inches above the ground, advancing menacingly.

CR 18; XP 153,600
N Colossal Construct
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +30
Aura hail of arrows (100 ft.)

AC 33, touch 7, flat-footed 33 (+13 armor, +5 deflection, +13 natural, –8 size)
hp 305 (30d10+140)
Fort +17; Ref +17; Will +17
Defensive Abilities all-around vision, enhanced durability 2, hardness 20, reinforced construction; Immune construct traits
Weakness vulnerable to siege weapons

Speed fly 20 ft. (perfect)
Space 30 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks boiling tar, ground crush, rising ramparts, 

Str 40, Dex 10, Con —Int —, Wis 11, Cha 11
Base Atk +30; CMB +53; CMD 63
Feats HoverB
Skills Fly +0, Perception +30, Stealth –16; Racial Modifiers +30 Perception

Environment urban, ruins, battlefields
Organization solitary, pair, or fortress (3–6)
Treasure standard

Special Abilities

Boiling Tar (Su) An angry tower can fire a ball of tar, covering a 30-ft. radius burst on a ground within 100 feet. Anyone starting their turn or entering the zone of boiling tar suffers 10d6 points of fire damage. The tar boils for 1d4+1 rounds and counts as a difficult terrain. Creatures standing where the burst lands can escape its area with a successful Reflex saving throw (DC 25). The saving throw is Constitution-based.

Ground Crush (Su) An angry tower strikes the ground underneath it, dealing 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage to anyone standing on the ground within 10 feet (Reflex saving throw against DC 25 negates). Creatures directly underneath the tower get no saving throw against this damage. The saving throw DC is Constitution-based.

Enhanced Durability 2 (Ex) An angry tower has +2 racial bonus to all of its saving throws and 2 additional hit points per Hit Die.

Hail Of Arrows (Ex) Whenever an enemy starts their turn within 100 feet of the angry tower or takes an action that provokes attacks of opportunity, they are targeted with a ranged attack (+27 attack bonus, 2d8+10 piercing damage, critical multiplier ×3, includes +5 enhancement bonus to attack and damage, counts as magic weapon), as if a hidden archer had readied an action to shot them. The whole angry tower is fitted with numerous arrow slits, allowing it to release arrows from high angles, potentially ignoring low cover.

Rampage (Su) As a full action an angry tower can make a total of three special attacks on it turn, in any combination, including using the same special attack multiple times.

Reinforced Construction (Su) An angry tower has +5 deflection bonus to AC and +5 resistance bonus to its saving throws. It suffers no ill effects whatsoever when it succeed a saving throw against against an effect that allows saving throw for half damage or partial effect.

Rising Ramparts (Su) Earth and stone distorts and violently rise in a 100 feet line extending from the angry tower, forming a 5-ft. wide, 10-ft. tall wall of earth and stone. Anyone standing in its path suffers 10d6 points of piercing damage on a failed Reflex saving throw (DC 25) from the jagged stones bursting out of the ground and end on a random side of the wall. Those who succeed can decide on which side they end, or they can choose to suffer the damage and end on the top of the newly formed wall. The saving throw DC is Constitution-based.

An angry tower is a sight to behold—a free-roaming keep capable of bringing the assault to the enemy. Not a siege tower, but an actual tower of stone and iron, animated by a violent force driving it to war.

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