
Fantasy NPC: The Jewel-Maker

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The Jewel-Maker

A smiling phantom with piercing sapphire eyes, shining faintly with a glow of molten gold. Most details of his shape outside of his face might be indistinct and blurry, but his fingers are clearly adorned with numerous splendid rings presenting only the finest craftsmanship.

CR 6; 2,400 XP
CE Medium Undead (incorporeal)
Init +4Senses darkvision 60 ft., analyze dweomer 10 ft.Perception +14

AC 17, touch 19, flat-footed 19 (+3 deflection, +4 Dex)
hp 67 (9d8+27)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +10
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune undead traits

Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee corrupting touch +11 (6d6, Fort. DC 17 half)
Special Attacks purposeful possession
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th, concentration +12)
Constant—analyze dweomer (limited to 10 feet range)

Str —, Dex 18, Con —, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Forge Ring, Iron Will, Master Craftsman, Skill Focus (Craft [jewelry])
Skills Appraise +14, Bluff +15, Craft (jewelry) +19, Fly +24, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Perception +14, Stealth +24, Use Magic Device +15
Language Abyssal, Common, Infernal
SQ dark craft, trade secrets

Dark Craft (Su) When the Jewel-Maker crafts an item while possessing a host, the item has one or more unexpected quirks, a minor curse, unexpected powers with a catch, or a malicious intelligence. Roll 1d10: (1–4) that many quirks, (5-7) a minor curse, (8-9) an additional hidden power, and a curse, (10) the item gains evil and/or chaotic intelligence.

Purposeful Possession (Su) With a touch, the Jewel-Maker can possess willing targets or those who have been wearing a ring of his making for at least 24 hours and are currently sleeping or unconscious. The Jewel-Maker has to start creating a magic item within the next 24 hours and the possession automatically ends when the Jewel-Maker finishes, aborts, or pauses the project. The Jewel-Maker has to spend eight hours each day working on the project but is free to act as he wishes over the rest of the day—the possessed body doesn't seem to need sleep for the duration, though it is almost invariably exhausted for extend period of time afterwards (typically one day for every two days the possession lasted), catching up with the missing rest. The Jewel-Maker can't possess the same host twice in a row without possessing someone else in between.

Rejuvenation (Su) The Jewel-Maker existence is bound to one or more of his creations, though even he doesn't exactly know which.

Trade Secrets (Ex and Sp) The Jewel-Maker has extensive knowledge of magic, jewelry, and rings in particular. In his life, he somehow managed to transcends the normal limitations of magical craftsmanship and Master Craftsman feat, and learned Forge Ring despite not being a caster, and now can recognize and analyze magic items on sight. He also automatically senses his own creations when they are within 10 feet.

The Jewel-Maker is a ghost of a renowned jeweler, a creator of splendid trinkets sought after by rich merchants, aristocracy, and even royalty. His death denied him his pursuits to a certain degree, though he prepared for that, pouring a little bit of himself into each of his works. While he can't work with precious metals and gems directly anymore, he can possess those who will lend him their bodies for a time needed to forge a new item—though it is on the host to gather the necessary supplies beforehand, for the Jewel-Maker is an artist, not a quartermaster.

What the Jewel-Maker doesn't tell to those willing to make a deal with him, is that in his life, aside of being a superb and widely-sought artisan, he was also a cruel sadist and a serial killer, and death only expanded his options, allowing him to be more reckless because the only life on stake is his current host's (or so he thinks). Still, when he finds a willing host, he struggles between satiating his darker urges and the need for completing the new work—and succumbing too deep to his urges will likely end the possession anyway, if he fails to continue his work.

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